"Color of Spring" Summary of an art lesson in the senior group

10.02.2015 4272 606 Munaidarova Saule Kenzhebulatovna

Goal: 1. Formation of creative thinking.
2. Development of a sense of color.
3. Developing independence and the ability to build, compare, and compose in the process of creative work.
Equipment: Poster. Gouache. Scissors, colored paper. Music by E. Grieg “In Spring”
Lesson plan: 1. Org. moment: 2 min.
2. Statement of the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson: 8 min.
3. Practical work: 30 min.
4. Result: 3 min.
5. D/z: 2 min.
Lesson progress: The lesson begins with a review of the most successful works on the topics of the quarter. Guys, look, since the beginning of the school year, we have been drawing on the theme “Autumn and Winter” at different times of the year. Thanks to the means of expression, you tried to capture the movement in nature and show it in color, rhythm, and composition. We tried to capture the characteristics of each season.
(Teacher conversation to create a dialogue with the student, create an emotional mood)
Let us talk about the beauty of awakening nature, which we have been observing for a long time, as artists, as people striving to see its secrets, its multicolor, richness of forms, the uniqueness of the color of every day.
The teacher, asking questions about spring, activates the children to work.
Practical work: You guys are faced with an interesting creative task - to convey the silhouettes of birds, the rhythm of their flight, the movement of wings, the chirping of birds and the noise of spring. The teacher gives instructions for work. After the presentation, the teacher helps distribute the amount of work between groups of children. ,
1. The most daring artists (2-4) are selected, who will depict the sky with large brushes, sweeping, wide movements.
(it should be noted that the first group of children must quickly complete the work, because the sky background must have time to dry before the third group begins this work.
2. Another group of children (the majority of the class) cut out silhouettes of flying birds of different sizes from multi-colored paper (for this, the teacher prepares paper in 3-4 formats, for several plans)
3. The third group of children work on sketches of trees and branches (on sheets on the spot). The best sketches are transferred to the panel (4-5 people can work simultaneously on the main plane).
After the children have drawn the sky, they are asked to cut out the silhouettes of birds, or to draw additional picturesque clouds, which will then be cut out in beautiful shapes and, if necessary, attached to the panel.
From the beginning, silhouettes of either the smallest ones are pasted onto the panel, then middle-ground birds, etc.
To do this, each child applies glue to the cut out silhouettes and determines the location for their image.
In advance, the teacher gives recommendations on where this or that silhouette can look more expressive, and reminds that it is necessary to create a mood of birdlike jubilation. that some silhouettes may block each other.
The final design of the panel consists of completing the drawing of individual branches with some silhouettes of birds on them, and clarifying the shapes of individual branches (thickenings, additional bends, etc.)
At the end of the lesson, if there is time left, the children listen to E. Grieg’s music “In Spring” and admire the work done.
Result: Generalization of the topic. Ratings.
D\z: Look in books and albums on art, by what means the artist conveys the spring mood

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Larisa Vyacheslavovna Parfenova
Summary of the fine arts lesson “Spring is coming, the way to spring” (scenery landscape)

Target: familiarize children with the signs of early spring, teach how to create scenery.

Tasks: learn to draw spring scenery using different art materials; learn to dilute watercolor paints to obtain lighter tones, develop the ability to use a palette; develop an aesthetic perception of nature; cultivate love and respect for nature.

Methodological support: reproductions of paintings by E. Zverkov "The Last Snow", "Northern spring» , I. Grabar "March Snow", A. Gerasimova "After the rain"; paper, watercolor, gouache, glass of water, brushes, palette, napkins; salt or semolina (for the image of falling snow).

Conversation on the topic.

The teacher invites children to look at reproductions of paintings by famous artists

and reads a poem by F. Tyutchev "Spring Waters"

The snow is still white in the fields,

And the water in the spring they make noise -

They run and wake up the sleepy shore,

They run and shine and shout...

They shout all over the place:

"Spring is coming, Spring is coming,

We are young spring messengers,

She sent us ahead!"

What mood does the poet convey in his poem? (Excitement, joy). Why do you think poems are about spring is always joyful? (Because the cold and frost are leaving, the sun is shining brighter, the first snowdrops are appearing, birds are returning from the south and singing their cheerful songs.)

- Spring the most awaited time of the year. Winter has been going on for so long, and now, finally, the first rays of the gentle sun are awakening nature from its winter sleep. The spring sun warms the first barely warm rays, the timid first streams gurgle, the snow reluctantly melts - spring! The main symbol appears here and there on the forest edges spring - snowdrop, fresh, defenseless first spring flower. Opening its delicate petals among the snow, it symbolizes the awakening of nature, the imminent arrival spring and even the most severe recent snowstorms will not be able to spoil the joyful mood.


In the forest, where the birch trees crowded together,

A blue eye looked at Snowdrop.

Little by little first

He put out his green leg,

Then I stretched with all my little strength

And asked quietly:

"I see the weather is warm and clear,

Tell me, is it true that this is spring?"

P. Solovyova

Our land is beautiful in all seasons. What a kind and gentle word - spring! There is something joyful and restless in this word. Spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity! This feeling covers everyone of people: poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write paintings. Remember what Russian poets call spring? (Beauty, rosy, beautiful, young, etc.). Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What do you think they are? (Paint blue, light green, turquoise, yellow.)

Physical education minute

Spring, spring! Came spring! (Hands to the side.)

She brought warmth on her wings, (Waving their hands.)

And here in the very sunshine (Hands behind your back.)

With your head held high

The blue snowdrop blossomed. (Hands up.)

He's all fluffy, silver, (They spin around.)

The little one stands in the sun.

He is a messenger spring reliable,

He is not afraid of cold weather. (Squat down.)

Other flowers will come for him, (Walk in place.)

From the firstborn among the flowers.

Practical part.

Early in the spring we see a clear blue sky, thawed patches, green grass, melted snow, blue streams. Guys, I suggest you draw your spring scenery. Think about what you want to draw

Organization of a creative exhibition of finished works.

Publications on the topic:

“Spring is coming - make way for spring.” Entertainment MKDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Firefly” of a general developmental type, r. p. Talovaya Entertainment in the junior group “Spring is coming - make way for spring” (Spring in.

Leisure for the middle group “Spring is coming, make way for spring”“Spring is Coming, Make Way for Spring” Characters: Rook, Winter, Spring In the hall there is a tree dusted with snow, under it there is a stream. Music sounds ("They're babbling.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “Spring is coming - make way for spring!” Lesson summary for the middle group “Spring is coming, make way for spring!” Prepared by: 1st category teacher Shmakotina E. V. Integration of educational.

Summary of the integrated educational activity “Spring is coming - the way to spring” Subject:. “Spring is coming - make way for spring” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic and Aesthetic”.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive and speech development in the senior group “Spring is coming, make way for spring” Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive and speech development in the senior group “Spring is coming, make way for spring” Goal:.

Lapbook "Spring is coming - make way for spring!" A laptop is a homemade folder in which materials on one topic are collected. A laptop helps a child better.

Muslimat Baisova
"Color of Spring" Summary of an art lesson in the senior group

Lesson notes in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques topic: “The color of spring"

Target classes:

Develop artistic perception of spring paintings, combination spring nature flowers that evoke moods for them, teach them to depict various trees, observing the laws of perspective, and the location of the image on a sheet of paper.



1. Teach children to depict landscape paintings, familiarize children with the laws of perspective. Learn to place an image across an entire sheet of paper (closer - larger, further - smaller);

2. Introduce watercolor paints and their properties, teach how to use the palette.

3. Teach children to find changes in nature and convey them in drawings.


1. Develop emotional perception of works of poetry.

2. Develop creativity in the process of creating images, using various visual materials and techniques in your work.

3. Systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about spring.


1. To cultivate artistic taste in children.

2. Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature, evoke an emotional response.


Magic brush, album sheet, watercolor and gouache paints, small sponges, foam swabs, two containers of water for each table, round and flat brushes of different sizes, palette, sippy cups for water.

Presentation « Spring» with reproductions of paintings of spring landscapes.

Audio recordings “Nature, birds and animals”, “Voices of animals and birds”, Works "Snowdrop" P. Tchaikovsky, "Rustle spring» K. Sinding, « Spring» – 1 part from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, you hear a variety of sounds. And one of the sounds is getting louder and louder. Whose sound do you think this is? That's right, this is Veterok, who lives in the world, flies everywhere and knows everything.

Breeze: Hello children! I am a cheerful Breeze, light, playful, mischievous.

Children: Hello, Veterok!

Breeze: Guys, you know, I like to fly everywhere, whistle and turn everything behind me. I have a magic envelope, what do you think is in it?

Educator: Let's open the envelope and see what's in it. Guys, look, there are 3 sheets here and they are all absolutely clean.

What do you think happened to the text that was written on the sheets? The children suggested different versions, after thinking about it, they decided that it was all an evil witch, she didn’t want spring has come to the guys. We need to disenchant the letter. Who do you think we will turn to for help? Of course, the good sorceress, the brush, can help you and me. Shall we ask her?

All children begin to take brushes, children choose on their own color watercolors and begin to color the sheet. Words appear on it, written with a candle “what spring colors? Look in window: It’s snowing, the wind is shaking the bare branches of the trees. Everything feels like winter, and I can’t believe that winter is already behind me. A spring still getting closer. Do you know that March is the first month of spring.

Listen to the poems about spring:

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

The streams are noisy! The streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised!

The trees are still bare,

But in the grove there is a decaying leaf,

As before under my foot

And noisy and fragrant.

Soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

The invisible lark sings

Healthy anthem spring.

What's wrong with her? What's wrong with my soul?

With a stream she is a stream

And with a bird, a bird!

It's murmuring with him,

Flying in the sky with her!

Children are invited to listen to the work "Snowdrop" P. Tchaikovsky

Breeze: Guys, did you find out what kind of music we played? (children's answer).

Whose footsteps were heard in the music? (Steps spring)

What mood did the composer convey to you? (cheerful, joyful, solemn). When the artist hears this music, what do you think he will draw? (spring drops, arrival of birds, melting snow, thawed patches, sunny sky)

Today we will get acquainted with the works of different authors about spring. This is a wonderful time of year when nature wakes up, washes itself, preens itself and appears before us as a beauty.

Children are invited to watch the presentation « Spring»

looking at the picture "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Educator: Guys, look at how he portrayed spring artist A. Savrasov.

What do you think? spring Is this painting early or late?

Children: Early.

Educator: How did you guess that it was early? spring?

Children: because the rooks have already arrived, and the snow has not yet melted, but it is no longer white but gray.

Educator: The whole picture seems to be filled with fresh breath spring. What can you call this picture?

Children: early spring

Educator: The artist A. Savrasov named his painting "The Rooks Have Arrived".

And now guys, I suggest you think about what kind of picture you would draw and what you would call it? Which colors you will take for early spring? Listen to how the music conveys the spring mood and try to select those colors, which convey the spring mood, the awakening of nature. Look at the selected cards and tell us "what the colors of your spring

And now I invite you to become artists yourself for a few minutes and draw a landscape of the early spring. And Landscape means an image of nature.

Where do you think we start painting a landscape? (Skyline)

What are the main ones? colors will we apply it at the top of the sheet - where we will have the sky? (Blue, blue)

And which ones are at the bottom of the sheet - where the ground is? (Black, brown, white).

Children complete the task.

Relaxation. Method "Earth, Air, Fire and Water".

The adult asks the pupils, at his command, to depict one of the states - air, earth, fire and water.

Air. Children begin to breathe deeper than usual. They get up and do

take a deep breath and then exhale. Everyone imagines that his body, like a large sponge, greedily absorbs oxygen from the air. All trying to hear as the air enters the nose, feel how it fills the chest and shoulders, arms to the very tips of the fingers; how the air flows in the head area, in the face; air fills the stomach, pelvic area, hips, knees and flows further - to the ankles, feet and fingertips.

Earth. Now the children must make contact with the ground, "ground yourself" and feel confident. The teacher, together with the students, begins to press hard on the floor, standing in one place, you can stomp your feet and even jump up a couple of times. You can rub your feet on the floor and spin around. The goal is to gain a new awareness of your legs, which are farthest from the center of consciousness, and thanks to this bodily sensation, feel greater stability and confidence.

Fire. Children actively move their arms, legs, and bodies, depicting flames. The teacher invites everyone to feel the energy and warmth in their body when they move in this way.

Water. This part of the exercise contrasts with the previous one. Children simply imagine that the room is turning into a swimming pool, and make soft, free movements in "water", making sure that the joints move - hands, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees.

After relaxation, the teacher, together with the children, perform a mini-exhibition of works, discuss each of them, highlighting the most successful works and unusual drawings. Children choose from 3 emoticons one that most accurately reflects the child’s satisfaction with the result of their work

Big and smiling - I really liked the lesson, I’m happy with the result, I was happy to draw more:

Medium and serious - I liked the lesson, I’m not entirely happy with the result, I’ll draw, but not now

Small and sad - I didn't like the lesson, I’m not happy with the result, I don’t want to draw anymore.

We ended up with an exhibition just like real artists. You know, you did it so beautifully because you listened carefully to my explanations, worked diligently, neatly and amicably.

Guys, today we talked a lot about spring, listened to music, looked at paintings by famous artists. Tell me, how do artists and poets convey the beauty of spring nature?

That's right, the artist has paints, the poet has words, and the composer has sounds

This is our the lesson has come to an end, and you little wizards can rest. Thanks everyone for your work!

Victoria Ilyina

Tasks: Arouse interest in a new drawing technique - landscape monotopy. Learn to draw green spring, using appropriate color combinations. Practice the ability to make a mirror image impression using the monotopy technique.

Handout: Sheets of landscape paper, gouache paints, thin and thick brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Educator: guys, I'm here spring, let's talk about the signs of green spring. Birds return from warmer climes, the snow completely melts, night frosts stop, plants bloom, insects appear - what? (Children's answers).

Let's learn M.'s poem. Plyatskovsky:

The days are fine

Similar to holidays

And in the sky there is a warm sun,

Cheerful and kind.

All the rivers overflow

All the buds are opening,

Winter has gone with the cold,

The snowdrifts became puddles.

Having left the southern countries,

The friendly birds have returned.

On every branch there are squirrels

They sit and clean their feathers.

The time of spring has come,

It's time to bloom.

And that means the mood

It's spring for everyone!

Educator: Guys, what did you imagine while listening to the poem? What are the signs springs listed by the author?

I suggest you draw green trees on the shore of the lake. To do this, the landscape sheet must be placed vertically and folded in half, then unfolded. The order of drawing using the monotopy technique such: Wet the bottom of the sheet with a wide brush and shade the blue paint. This is the water of our lake. It will reflect the landscape. On the upper part we draw green trees and birds flying from warm countries. Paint with a thin brush, use bright colors. We fold the halves along the marked line, press them - and look at the reflection in the water of the lake. The original landscape can be touched up again gouache paints.

Thank you, well done, and now we put our work to dry, and we ourselves clean up the workplace and wash our hands.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary Topic: “Spring” Purpose: To expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of spring. Learn to find the signs yourself.

Continuing to implement the technology of effective socialization of preschool children by N.P. Grishaeva, using the situation of the month “I am part.

Summary of a comprehensive GCD for children of the middle group “Spring, Red Spring” Synopsis of a comprehensive GCD for children of the middle group “Spring, Red Spring” Objectives: - Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about characteristic.

Lesson summary "Spring" All the children have gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let’s hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Educator: I want to tell you a riddle.

Program content: enrich children's knowledge about the Great Day; try to convey to children an understanding of the importance of this holiday; upbringing.

Lesson summary "Spring" Program content: Continue to form in children generalized ideas about spring, about changes in living and inanimate nature. Expand.

Summary of a lesson in fine arts on the topic: “Spring flowers. Daffodils"

Target: teach to admire the beauty, brightness of colors of various colors,
cultivate emotional responsiveness to the beauty of spring nature.

Activate cognitive interest in art and nature.
To develop the ability to independently find solutions to artistic problems that correspond to the chosen technique.
Develop memory, attention and horizons of students.
Develop creative and artistic thinking, imagination and fantasy.
Develop skills related to the transfer of perspective, size and proportions, visual perception and spatial thinking as the basis for mastering drawing.
Enrich children's vocabulary.
Promote aesthetic perception of educational material
Form emotional responsiveness to the beauty of nature.
Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: sketchbook, pencil, eraser, gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, brushes, water, lesson key words (tablet), flower assembly diagram (tablet), photo of flowers and spring landscape, diagram “basic shapes of flower heads”, envelope with letter from spring, computer, projector.
Board design:
Lesson Plan
1. Organizational moment. 1 min.
2. Psychological mood of students. 5 minutes.
Flower structure.
Various types of primroses.
The legend of the narcissus flower.
3. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. 1 min.
4. The main stage of the lesson (updating knowledge). 5 minutes.
Demonstration of samples by teacher. They remember what they know about this flower.
5. Sample analysis. 5 minutes.
The teacher at the blackboard shows how to correctly draw the Narcissus flower, various compositions (flowers in a vase or just one daffodil)
6. Physical education minute. 1 min.
7. Practical work of students. 20 minutes.
8. Lesson summary. Reflection.
Exhibition of drawings.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.
Greeting, students' readiness for the lesson.
-Hello children! Sit down. Guys, today we have a creativity lesson. And creativity is a source of kindness, truth and beauty. Sit back and smile at each other. The sun is shining outside, the birds are singing, it’s spring, let’s enjoy this time of year!
2. Psychological mood of students.
Is it good that the sun is shining? (depict the sun)
Fine! (clap hands)
Okay, what's the wind blowing? (depict the wind)
Fine! (clap hands)
Is everyone okay with us? (they circle everyone with their hands)
Fine! (clap hands)
Is it good to snuggle with mom? (hug themselves)
Fine! (clap hands)
Are you doing well at school, dear? (spread arms to the sides)
Fine! (clap hands)
Do you feel good with me? (turn to each other)
Fine! (clap hands)
Is it good to dance? (spinning)

Fine! (clap hands)
Is it good to be a Balakhna resident? Fine! (thumbs up)

Guys, we received a mystery letter, shall we read it? (The teacher opens the envelope.)

I open my buds
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
And my name is (Spring!)
The letter says: “Hello, my dear third graders!
Yes Yes! It's me, Spring! Did you guess it?
I’ve been walking the streets of your city for a long time, and today I stopped by your place.
school - I want to cheer you up.
I'm waiting for beautiful drawings from you!
Bye! Good luck!"

3. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.
- Guys, what signs of spring do you know?
- What spring flowers do you know?
Guess my riddles: (working with illustrations)
On a forest thaw
A small flower has grown
Hiding in dead wood
Blue (snowdrop)

You can find them in Holland
They are held in high esteem everywhere there
Like bright glasses
There are bright tulips in the parks

He is a flower prince - a poet
Dressed in a white hat,
An encore poem about spring
Read to us (narcissist).
-What do you know about the Narcissus flower?
-Children, guess what topic we will devote our lesson to today?
-What is the purpose of the lesson?
4. Updating knowledge.
- Narcissus – today we will talk in detail about this beautiful flower! Narcissus is one of gardeners' favorite plants. Can't stay
indifferent to its beauty. Many legends have been created about narcissus.
The most common one tells about the transformation of a beautiful young man,
named Narcissus, into a wondrous flower.
“Narcissus was prophesied that he would live until he saw himself. One day the young man decided to drink from a source that was pure, calm, like a mirror. Leaning towards the water, he suddenly saw his own reflection for the first time. It was so beautiful that it captivated the poor young man forever. Narcissus stopped eating, drinking, sleeping, because he was unable to move away from the source, he began to waste away and soon died. An amazing flower appeared on that tree.”
- There are so many daffodil inflorescences that gardeners have not received. Variety
(Paying attention to the photo of flowers).
- Let’s, guys, try to answer the question, what parts does a flower consist of? (Made from stem, leaves and flower head).
Stems: thin and thick, long and short, smooth and spiny, straight and
Leaves: Large and small, carved and simple, flat and wrapped in different
The flower heads are also different:
Cup (tulip)
Bud (rose in bud)
Plate (sunflower)
Umbrella (cornflower)
Ball (aster)
Bundle (blooming rose)
Chain (lily of the valley)
- What are the leaves, stem and head shape of our hero Narcissus?
- leaves are long and narrow
- the stem is long and thin

Guys, it's already spring. I think you already want it so much after winter,
so that May, the last month of spring, comes quickly. The month when flowers bloom. Today we will try to draw this beautiful flower. We will need to find out how to draw Narcissus correctly. (Slide)
Analysis of the drawing: (sample)
So, first of all, you need to draw the middle of the flower. In daffodils it protrudes forward, so we draw a figure similar to a bell, only it should not look down, but to the side.
Stage 1. We outline the wide part of the bell in a circle with a wavy line. The center of the flower is ready!
Stage 2. Now let's start drawing the petals. They begin to be drawn from the narrow part of the bell. Each petal is shaped like a heart, but without a notch in the middle. In this way we draw 5-6 petals.
Stage 3. After the petals, draw the stem of the plant. It consists of two parallel lines going down from the flower. Do not make the stem too thick, otherwise the design will look heavy.
Stage 4 After this we will draw a leaf. It starts from the bottom of the stem upwards, another line is drawn nearby and connected to the first. We outline the contours of the flower more clearly and remove excess lines with an eraser.
Stage 5 Now you can start coloring the picture. The flower itself is painted yellow, and the stem and leaf are made dark green.
Our drawing is ready. As you can see, following the instructions, you can easily and simply draw this amazing plant.
The teacher shows on the board how to draw a flower correctly. You can also draw flowers in a vase; for this you must determine how many flowers you will draw. Then you need to draw a table on which the vase of flowers will stand, after which you draw the contours of the flower, as we said this when analyzing the drawing only by drawing not one flower, but several.

Working with finished works, as well as relying on the diagram presented on the slide.
5. Physical education minute
I'm friends with the physical minute
I'll straighten my back
I'll raise my hands to the top,
And then I'll lower them,
And then I'll jump
One two Three.
I'm kicking my legs
One two Three.
I'll clap my hands,
I'm stamping my feet
One two Three.
I will sit at my desk neatly,
To behave with dignity.

6. Practical work of students.
7. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Exhibition of works.
- What do you remember most from the lesson?
- In what mood do you leave the lesson?
- You worked very well. Thank you, lesson is over!