Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Winter. Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Winter” Speech therapy lesson theme winter





Individual lesson on the topic

“Text “Winter” (lesson 2).

Automation of the sound [С] in syllables,

words, sentences."


O. Kh. Akbulatova

auditory teacher

GOKU "SKSHI Cheremkhovo"

Form of training: distance learning

Scientific adviser:

Associate Professor O. Yu. Piskun

Individual lesson on the topic “Text “Winter” (lesson 2). Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences.”

Subject : Text “Winter” (lesson 2). Sound automation [C]

Pupil : Popova Yulia, 7 years old, CI at 5 years old.

Tasks : train in distinguishing and recognizing speech material on the topic “Winter”, words, phrases and sentences from the text; develop pronunciation skills; continue to work on speech breathing, unity and fluency of speech; to develop the ability to emphasize words in words, to observe the norms of spelling; learn to answer questions about the content of the story; develop the ability to understand spoken speech; enrich vocabulary; develop self-control over speech; cultivate interest in learning.

Equipment : presentation, loose text, tablets, subject and plot pictures, speech breathing gymnastics complex, articulation gymnastics complex


I Org. moment

Teacher : The sun has woken up

Our Yulia smiled.

What's your mood?

Child : I am in a good mood.

Teacher : Hello, Julia.

Child : Good afternoon.

Teacher : How can you hear me?

Child : I hear well.

Teacher : Shall we study?

Child : Yes, we will study.

Teacher : Guess a riddle.

The wind is blowing, it's snowing

New Year is coming.

Child : This is winter.

Teacher : What's the weather like in winter?

Child : In winter it is cold, the wind blows, it snows.

II Gymnastics

Teacher : We will do gymnastics.

1. Gymnastics for speech breathing.

“Breeze” It’s cold outside,

A strong wind blew.

“Snowfall” It began to snow heavily,

Snowflakes swirled in the air.

“Brave skier” The boy went skiing.

“The Snow Maiden” The Snow Maiden came to visit the children,

The Snow Maiden sings songs:

A_______, O________, U_________, E________, I________.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

“Window” The sun came out.

“Fence” A cold wind blew,

It became cold.

"Swing" It started snowing

The guys ran to play in the snow.

“Brushing our teeth” Windshield wipers remove snow.

“Slide” Kids ride on a slide.

“Needle” The sun came out again,

Icicles appeared on the roofs.

III Working on pronunciation.

Teacher : Let's pronounce the sound C correctly,

Help the snowflakes reach the Snow Maiden


1. Working with the card.

Teacher : What is this? (icicle)

CO CO icicle

SU SU icicle

SI SI hanging

Teacher : Listen and repeat: There is an icicle hanging on the roof.

2. Game "Guess"

Teacher : What is this? (snowflake, snowballs, snowman)

3. Game “What is this?”

Teacher : I will name words and sentences with the sound S. You must find the picture and repeat what I said







The guys are playing in the snow.

Children are making a snowman.

Girls sledding.

There is an icicle hanging on the roof.

4 Game "Songs"

Teacher : Listen and repeat after me:

A a A_________ a__________

y U__________ y________ U

WITH S______________

SASASASASA SA____________

sa__________ sasasasa



Winter has come,

Brought frost.

Winter has come,

Nose freezes.




Everyone goes outside - forward.

Let's put on warm pants

A hat, a fur coat, felt boots.

Let's warm our hands in mittens

And we'll tie scarves.

IV Development of auditory perception

1. Game "Artists"

Teacher: Collect a picture.

What season?

Child: The picture shows winter.

Teacher: Name the winter months.

Child: December, January, February are the winter months.

Teacher: Add: Winter (what?) …….

Child: Cold, snowy, frosty, windy, beautiful.

Teacher: Repeat: A cold, snowy winter has arrived.

2 Complete the sentences.

Teacher: Complete the sentences with:

The boy is riding ..... (on a sled.)

The guys are playing …….. (snowball fights.)

Children make………(snowman.)

Girls are skating......(skating.)

3. Work in a notebook.

Teacher: Trace the drawing with dots. What happened?

Child: This is a snowman.

4. Work on the story “Winter”. (Cold winter has arrived. Fluffy snow is falling, the wind is blowing. The boys took a sled. They are sledding down the hill. The older guys are making a snowman. The girls are skating. The children are having fun.)

Teacher: What story are we going to read?

Child: We will read the story “Winter”.

Teacher: Make up a story from the tablets.

Child: I made up a story.

Teacher: We will answer the questions:


1 What time of year is it?

2 Describe what the weather is like in winter.

3 What do the boys do on the street?

4 Who makes a snowman?

6 What do girls do?

7 What do you like to do outside in winter?

5. Game "Find the mistake."

Teacher: I will speak sentences. You must find the mistake in these sentences.

A cold, rainy winter has arrived.

In winter there is fluffy snow and a cold wind blows.

In summer, children go sledding, skating and skiing.

In autumn, kids make a snowman.

V Lesson summary

Assessment of the child's activity.

Goals: Formation of lexical and grammatical categories and graphomotor skills.

  • Strengthen ideas about winter and its signs.
  • Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.
  • Practice forming nouns with diminutive suffixes; in the formation of the plural of nouns; in the formation of relative adjectives; in the selection of words-actions and words-attributes to the word-subject; in making simple sentences.
  • Learn to coordinate the word with the movement.
  • Develop visual attention, thinking, fine and gross motor skills, grapho-motor skills.
  • Develop the ability to listen to comrades and answer questions in complete sentences.

Dictionary: winter, December, January, February, snow, frost, ice, hoarfrost, sky, stars, moon, day, night, ice, patterns, fringe, snowflakes, snowman, skis, sleds, skates, snowballs, birds, animals, winter hut, feeder, clothing, snowfall, drifts, blizzard, storm, blizzard, blizzard, cold, rivers, lakes, flakes, fun, cold;

frosty, cold, harsh, fierce, blizzard, icy, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling, loose, slippery;

sweeps, blows, howls, falls, spins, flies, freezes, howls, cleans, rake, slides, creaks, sparkles.

Equipment: Toys (Lilu doll - popuas), object pictures, simple pencils, colored pencils, handout cards.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations about winter, guessing winter-themed riddles, talking about paintings with winter landscapes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Today we have a guest in class - a girl Lilu from hot Africa. There is never winter or snow there. Let's tell her about winter and show her pictures, and then play games. Lilu brought us a letter, but she can’t understand what it says.

2. Game “Letter from Mother Winter”

Speech therapist: It was Mother Winter who sent you a letter and asks you to tell:

What and why happens in winter;

Do you know the signs of Mother Winter?

Meet winter and winter and answer quickly:

What day? (Short.) What’s the night like? (Long.) What always happens in winter? (Snow.)

Who doesn't sing on the branches? (Birds.) Why is it snowing? (Freezing.)

And the trees look bare? (The leaves have flown off.)

Who sleeps in the forest until spring? (Bear, hedgehog, badger.)

What is the river covered with? (Ice.) And what clouds? (Snowy, heavy.)

How do people dress? (People wear warm winter clothes and shoes.)

How do children have fun? (Children sled, skate, ski, build a snowman and play snowballs.)

3. (demo table )

Children come up to the board and look at the picture.

Speech therapist: Give an answer about the picture: is everything here true or not?

Who is upset here, who is afraid, who is surprised, who is having fun?

Children's answers: The girl is having fun - she is skating.

The boy is having fun - he is rolling a snowball and making a snowman.

The bear sleeps in winter and does not collect flowers. (Does not happen.) etc.

4. Physical exercise “Winter”

The speech therapist and the children pronounce the text and perform the movements.

Speech therapist: Let's imagine that we went out onto a snowy path and warmed up.

We'll warm up a little

We'll clap our hands

Let's stamp our feet

And let's give ourselves a pat.

5. Game “Winter fun with winter words”

Speech therapist: Rather call all subjects winter,

Play games with these words.

Game "Greedy"

Game "One - Many"

Game “Name it kindly”

Game "What's Missing"

Game "On the contrary"

Game “Hide the syllables in your palms.”

The speech therapist starts the game:

I'll drive now

Say the words out loud

The word needs to be repeated

And divide it into parts.

The speech therapist pronounces words (lexical material on the topic “Winter”), and the children divide the words into syllables by clapping their hands.

6. Game "Circle the snowdrifts"(handout cards)

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the snowdrifts the blizzard has made. Let's circle them.

Draw a line without interruption

Quickly circle all the snowdrifts.

(Children draw a line with a blue pencil.)

7. Game “Snow Page”

Speech therapist: Look at the picture on the board. And name all the snow pictures and explain.

Why did you choose this picture?

Find objects made of snow

And circle with a pointer.

(Snowball, snowman, snowy (slide),

Snow Maiden, snow... (cloud)...)

8. Game “What kind of snow is there?”(handout cards )

Speech therapist: Tell Lil about the snow.

Which does it snow? Say it slowly.

And for every sign color the triangle.

Children receive cards and name the attribute words, and then color the triangle on their card with a colored pencil.

Sign words: light, white, fluffy, sparkling, shiny, loose, dense, sticky, crumbly...

9. Game “We walk - we call actions” ( handout cards for task 7, 8)

Children name action words and circle the arrow with a blue pencil.

Speech therapist: What does snow do? Try to say

Follow all action arrows.

Action words: goes, flies, pours, lies down, falls, spins, creaks, melts, sticks, molds...

10. Game “Complete the snowflake”(handout cards )

Speech therapist: The snowflakes have melted - complete the pictures.

Children draw snowflakes and count how many snowflakes they have completed.

11. Game "Snow Fortress"(demo table)

The speech therapist asks to look at the table on the board. Draw the path along which Vanya must exit the labyrinth. Children follow the path with a pointer and pronounce words (prefixed verbs to the word walked):

Speech therapist: Vanya built a fortress, he tried so hard,

What ended up in a snowy maze.

Help him a little - lead the path to the exit.

Vanya went to the right, went to the left, turned right and walked along the wall, walked forward for a long time, passed through the opening in the wall, walked to the left, walked, walked. And he left the labyrinth.

12. Game “Finish the sentence”(demo table)

Speech therapist: Complete the sentence with one of these words.

Your story about snow and winter will be ready.

On the street...
We waited...
White color...
We are glad...
We admire...
We are thinking about...

13. Game “Tell and Draw”

Speech therapist: Listen to the story about how Petya made a snowman. Let's retell the story and draw the snowman.

Story: “A lot of snow fell. Petya went outside. He began to sculpt a snowman. First I rolled a large ball, then a medium one, and then a small one. Instead of eyes he inserted pebbles, instead of a nose - a carrot, instead of a mouth - a twig. The snowman turned out beautiful.”

Speech therapist: To make a snowman, you need to be very precise.

Outline the lumps and don’t leave the dotted line.

Draw the smallest lump yourself, my friend!

Draw the eyes and nose and don’t forget about the mouth!

14. Lesson summary

The speech therapist sums up the lesson. And asks the children to tell us what they remembered during the lesson and which game they liked more than others.

Are the tasks completed without errors?
Well done, paint your smile!


  1. Kiseleva G. A. “Knizhka-uchishka”, Publishing House “Knigolyub”, 2007.
  2. Smirnova L.N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children with general speech underdevelopment. A manual for speech therapists”, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.

Tatiana Idriceanu
Individual speech therapy lesson on differentiation of sounds [C]-[Z] “Winter walk”

Plan - outline

Individual speech therapy session with a child from senior speech therapy group No. 2"Traffic light" for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Subject: « Winter walk»

Target: Differentiation voiced - voiceless consonants sounds(With) - (W) in syllables, words and sentences.

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".


1. Continue to practice correct pronunciation sounds(With, (h)

2. Teach differentiate sounds(With) - (h) in syllables, words and sentences; determine their differences in voicedness and deafness, using different techniques.

3. Continue to teach how to answer questions with expanded, complete sentences, form possessive adjectives, and select words with the same root to a noun.

4. Practice selecting adjectives for nouns and correctly using the genitive case forms of nouns.

5. Activate the dictionary on a lexical topic "Winter. Winter fun and entertainment".

6. Work on developing coherent speech and general speech skills (clarity, diction, intonation expressiveness).

7. Develop phonemic perception and phonemic hearing, visual and auditory attention, logical thinking, short-term and long-term memory, creative imagination.

8. Continue to develop articulation, facial expressions, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Material and equipment:

Subject pictures – sled, bag, owl, hare, castle, goat; 2 dolls dressed in winter clothes – green and red overalls, snowflakes, padding polyester – "snowdrift", "track", magnetic board, red and green magnets, flash drive with recording of music by P. I. Tchaikovsky "December" from the album "Seasons".

Methods and techniques:

Practical: - playback syllables, addition of sentences, formation of possessive adjectives, selection of cognate words, selection of adjectives to a noun, speaking tongue twisters, differentiation of sounds(With)(h) in syllables, words and sentences;

Visual: display, demonstration;

Verbal: conversation, riddle, questions, verbal and didactic games, tongue twisters.

Children's activities Forms of organizing joint activities

Game room "Wonderful Dream", d/i "Snowballs", d/i "Vice versa",

di "Finish the sentence", d/i “Whom not

became",d/i "Snowball", d/i “Whose snowflake?”,

di "Help the snowflakes", d/i "Friendly family",


Perception of fiction Tongue twisters about an owl and a bunny,

riddle about a snowman.

Productive Playback syllables, addition

sentences, formation of possessives

adjectives selection of cognate words,

selection of adjectives for nouns,

solving a riddle, reciting

tongue twisters, differentiation of sounds(With)

(h) in syllables, words and sentences.

Communicative Development of the ability to conduct a monologue and dialogue,

and also solve various speech problems.

Cognitive and research Winter games and fun, signs and phenomena

Musical and artistic recording of music by P.I.

Tchaikovsky "December" "Winter" from

album "Seasons".

Motor finger gymnastics "Snowflakes".

Logic of educational activities

№1Org. moment: “Today to us

2 girlfriends came to visit -

Sonya and Zoya.

A) D/i "Wonderful Dream"

“Sonya dreamed winter dream,

as if she made friends...

Guess with whom?: what kind of snowy

a man standing on a hill in the morning,

carrot - nose, in hand - broom,

afraid of the sun and heat?

“That’s right, it’s like she made friends

with a snowman, and they played together"

2. Main part classes:

A) “Sonya and the snowman smiled cheerfully

each other (exercise "Smile",

showed their teeth. Who's whiter?

(exercise "Fence"). Running in the snow

(exercise "Shovel", laid

tracks (exercise "Groove", rode

from an ice slide (exercise "Slide",

to slide far down an ice slide,

the wind must have been strong and

long (pronounced long sound"With").

What wind was whistling in your ears?

“In the morning, Sonya remembered her dream and invited Zoya outside for a walk. The girls went out into the yard, and there was a lot of snow there. Let's remember finger gymnastics with you "Snowflakes"

B) Finger gymnastics "Snowflakes"

"Snowflakes are falling quietly,

They fall straight into your palms.

There are snowflakes bigger than cones,

There are snowflakes smaller than crumbs"

B) “The girls are walking, and the snow creaks underfoot. And the girls each sing their own song. Let’s remember what Sonya’s song is and what Zoya’s song is?”

“That’s right, Sonya’s song is dull because her little voice is asleep. And Zoya's ringing: the voice is trembling."

D) “Now let’s take a walk along the snowy path with Sonina song: with sound(s, (s, (s... And we’ll go back with Zoina song: with sound(z, (z (z...)

D) D/i "Snowballs"

“Sonya invited Zoya to make snowballs. Each one must sculpt, singing her own song - Zoya the sonorous - (z, Sonya the deaf - (With): sa-sa-sa – for-for-for; so-so-so – zo-zo-zo; su-su-su - zu-zu-zu; sy-sy-sy - zy-zy-zy;

E) D/i "Vice versa"

“Zoe invited Sonya to play a snowball fight. Each one must throw, singing her song: ac – az; os – oz; us – knot; ys – yz.”

E) D/i "Snowball", "Finish the sentence".

“Look how many different snowflakes attacked. The girls decided to roll a big snowball. Let's help them. To do this, you need to listen carefully to my sentences and end it with the snowflake whose picture matches the meaning of this sentence. Take it and put it on this snowball.

Sitting on a bitch... (owl).

Zoya locked on the fence (lock).

Sonya rolled down the slide onto (sleigh).

Zoya forgot on the lawn (hare).

Sonya has pineapples in (bag).

Zoya corrals (goat)

G) D/i “Whose snowflake?”

“The girls' lump turned out to be very large, and it does not roll. Therefore, they decided to divide it into 2 comas.

In Sonya's coma there will be snowflakes with pictures whose names include Sonina song: sound(with, under a red magnet. In Zoina’s coma – with Zoina song: sound(h, under the green magnet. When you take a snowflake, you need to say whose picture is on her: for example, this is Zoya's goat. And put this snowflake in Zoin com"

H) D/i “Who is missing?”

“The girls decided to play a game “Who is missing?” Look carefully at Zoya’s and Sonya’s pictures and remember them. Close eyes (the owl and the hare take turns cleaning)

Open your eyes and tell me who is missing?”

I) Telling tongue twisters about an owl and a bunny. “It’s dark in the garden, everyone has been asleep for a long time.

One owl doesn’t sleep, it sits on a branch.”

“Zoya is the bunny’s owner; the bunny sleeps in Zoya’s basin. The bunny is not sleeping, calling Zoya T: The goat doesn’t let the bunny sleep.”

J) D/i "Help the snowflakes"

“Girlfriends go and admire the beautiful snowflakes that fell to the ground. And suddenly they saw 2 unusual snowflakes. Find them. What are they? (sad, ugly).

Show how sad they are.

Why are they the way you think they are? (They are sad because they have few rays, but snowflakes should be radiant and patterned). The girls decided to help them. But for the rays to appear, you need to remember "snowy" And « winter» words.

K) D/i "Friendly family"

Sonya began to come up with snow words in which the word “snow” is hidden (snowball, snowflake, Snow Maiden, snowman). And Zoya winter words, in which the word winter is hidden (wintering, wintering, wintering, winter)

(For each word, a ray of a snowflake bends.)

L) D/i “Choose words - signs for snowflakes”

“We saw the snowflakes, how many rays they had, and were surprised.

Show how surprised they were.

And then they smiled cheerfully. Show me how. Why were they happy? What did the snowflakes become?

3 Final part:

Summing up classes

“The girls were very happy that they could help the snowflakes together with you. They ran home cheerful and happy.

Who came to visit us today?

What song did Sonya have? Name it.

What's Zoya's song? Name it. Why and how are they different? Well done. Right!

That's our winter walk is over.

Dulmazhab Sodnomova
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Winter”

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: « Winter»

(preparatory group)

Compiled by: Sodnomova Dulmazhab Khanduevna –

teacher- speech therapist highest qualified category

Subject: Winter.

Goals: 1. Clarify and expand the idea of ​​winter and its signs.

2. Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, compose sentences, select feature words. action words.

3. Development of visual attention and perception.

4. Development of speech hearing and phonemic perception.

5. Development of memory.

6. Development of fine and gross motor skills.

7. Development of breathing and proper exhalation.

8. Development of optical-spatial concepts.

9. Development of movement coordination.

10. Formation of skills of cooperation and mutual understanding. goodwill. independence, initiative, love of nature.

11. Easing aggressive tension, acquiring emotional and behavioral stability, relieving emotional stress.

12. improving communication skills, developing a sense of empathy.

Equipment: a picture about winter, paper snowflakes, circles for sound analysis and synthesis.

I. Organizational moment.

The one who remembers and repeats the following sits down words:

Cold, frosty, snowy winter.

White, fluffy snow.

Cold, large snowflakes.

Transparent, smooth, even ice.

Cold. strong wind.

Bullfinches, sparrows, tits.

II.Communication of theme and purpose classes.

The speech therapist tells the children what will they do on class.

1. Guessing riddles.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking,

When does this happen? (Winter).

What time of year is it now?

What is the weather like in winter?

If it's cold in winter, what is it like? winter? (Cold).

If it's snowy in winter, what is it like? winter? (Snowy).

If it's frosty in winter, what kind of frosty is it? winter? (Frosty).

If it is very cold in winter and strong winds blow, then what kind of winter? (Icy).

That's how much we talked about winter! (A picture about winter is hung).

Now let's remember everything we said.

Which winter? (Cold, snowy, frosty, early, late, blizzard, icy).

2. Making proposals about winter.

We will learn to make sentences about winter. They must be different, dissimilar.

It's cold and harsh winter.

You said that snow falls in winter. What kind of snow falls?

(White, fluffy, light, shiny, cold, sticky, wet)

Sticky white snow fell.

What types of snowdrifts are there?

(Big, tall, shaggy, fluffy)

Huge fluffy snowdrifts appeared.

What happens to rivers, lakes, ponds in winter?

(They freeze, become covered in ice).

What kind of ice is there?

(Hard, transparent, slippery, thick, thin, shiny, brittle)

Rivers and lakes became transparent. slippery ice.

Name the birds that winter in our area?

(Bullfinches, tits, sparrows, crows, magpies)

If they hibernate, what should we call them?


If the weather is cold and there is no food, what is it like for the birds?

(Hungry, cold).

Wintering birds are cold and hungry.

How can you help birds? (Children's answers).

3. Game "Let's feed the birds".

Target: weakening the child’s aggressive tension, acquiring emotional and behavioral stability, relieving emotional stress.

4. Game “Where does evil hide?”(or "Birds and Chicks").

Target: interaction with mother, tactile contact, stress relief, relaxation.

5. Exercise "Good words".

Target: improving communication skills. developing a sense of empathy.

6. Exercise “Snowflakes”.

While we were talking about winter and playing interesting games, it started snowing outside. And real snowflakes flew to us. Look what they are like. (Speech therapist hands out a snowflake on a string to each child).

Let's make our fairy snowflakes spin. Slowly draw in air through your nose. Don't puff out your cheeks. stretch your lips with a straw and blow on the snowflakes. ( The speech therapist is watching so that children do not raise their shoulders while performing the exercise. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times).

7. Work in notebooks. (Development of optical-spatial concepts).

The snowflakes flew away, and several of them landed on our notebooks. Look and count them.

From each snowflake we draw an arrow in direction:

1. From the first - down;

2. From the second - to the right;

3. From the third - up;

4. From the fourth - to the left.

8. Sound analysis of words.

Winter, com.

9. Reading a story « Winter» .

The postman brought your story from Zimushka-winter. Let's read how it turned out. (A story is taken out of the envelope).


It's cold and snowy winter. Shiny, fluffy snow fell. Tall, soft snowdrifts appeared. Rivers and lakes were covered with transparent, solid ice. Wintering birds are cold and hungry. Children feed the birds. They build feeders for them.

III. Summarizing.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Fair” PROGRESS OF THE CLASS. Children enter the hall in Russian folk costumes into the hall. The hall is decorated like a Russian fair. L: Children, where do you think we are going?

Summary of speech therapy lesson “Winter” Topic: Winter. Correctional and educational tasks: to develop the ability to select words with the same root; form past tense verbs;

Summary of speech therapy lesson “Professions” Goal: enriching the vocabulary on the topic “Professions”. Tasks: Practice using nouns in speech by case, activate verbs.

Summary of speech therapy lesson “Journey to the forest” Goal: Automation of the sound “l” - in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences. Objectives: 1. Development of articulatory motor skills.

Summary of speech therapy lesson “Sounds [h]-[t]” Topic: Sounds of Ch-T. Goal: teaching the correct pronunciation and identification of sounds Ch-T. Objectives: 1. Teaching correct pronunciation and discrimination.

  • Correctional and educational: enrich and activate the nominative (name of clothing) and verbal vocabulary (walk, dig, roll, sculpt, ride) on the topic “Winter”; learn to use singular and plural nouns; consolidate the general meaning of the word “clothing”; learn to identify the signs of winter.

    Correctional and developmental: develop visual perception; develop fine motor skills; develop phonemic awareness (determination of singular and plural nouns).

    Correctional and educational: to cultivate interest in the lesson, to encourage the child to actively cooperate with the teacher.

    Material: mittens; confetti; winter picture; presentation for the lesson (use of ICT).

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizing time.
    2. Finger game “Mitten”. The speech therapist holds mittens behind his back.

      Speech therapist: “Nastenka, what’s behind my back? These are warm, soft...shows it to the child and together they call it - mittens! “The child puts on and then takes off the mittens.

      Speech therapist: “Repeat after me:

      Nastya put on the mitten (all fingers together, thumb to the side)

      Oh, where am I going? (we hide our thumb in our palm)

      There is no finger, it’s gone,

      I didn’t get to my little house! (circular movements with hands)

      Nastya took off her mitten,

      Look, I found it! (show thumbs on both hands)

      You look, you look, you won’t find, (we squeeze, unclench our fingers)

      Hello finger, how are you? (show thumbs up)

    3. Main part.
    1. Game “What did the artist mix up” (slide No. 1).
    2. Speech therapist: “What time of year is it now?” (winter)

      Speech therapist: “That’s right! Our artist also drew winter in the picture, but he just mixed something up. What is wrong?"

      The child in the picture clicks with the mouse on the cherries, on the Christmas tree, a butterfly, a flower - they disappear. What remains is the winter landscape.

      Speech therapist: “Now everything is correct, well done!”

    3. Game “Winter clothes” (slide No. 2).
    4. Speech therapist: “It’s cold in winter, so as not to freeze we wear warm clothes, but what can’t we wear outside in winter?”

      There are winter and summer clothes on the screen. The child clicks on summer clothes with the mouse, they disappear, only winter ones remain.

      Speech therapist: “Let’s name all the clothes” (jacket, hat, scarf, felt boots, mittens).

      Speech therapist: “How can you call all this in one word? (cloth)".

    5. Breathing exercise “Blizzard”.
    6. Speech therapist: “And in winter a strong wind blows and a blizzard swirls. Now we will blow on the snow so that it swirls in the air.” A speech therapist and a child blow confetti from their palms.

    7. Exercise for the development of phonemic hearing (slide No. 3,4, 5, 6).
    8. Speech therapist: “Listen carefully to what word I will say, and click on the picture, if you hear and click correctly, the picture will disappear” (snowman, snowflakes, hat, mittens).

    9. Physical exercise “Snow is flying.”
    10. Speech therapist: “Repeat after me!”

      Snow is flying, snow is flying (movement of both hands from top to bottom),

      On houses and roofs (image of a roof with hands above your head).

      Winter is coming towards us quietly (imitation of walking on tiptoes),

      We don’t hear it (we move our index finger left, right).

    11. Game “Winter Fun” (slide No. 7, 8, 9, 10).

    Speech therapist: “Let’s find out what children like to do in winter?” (walk, dig, roll, sculpt, ride).

    1. Summary of the lesson.

    Speech therapist: “What time of year were we talking about? (about winter) You did well, well done!”