Notes on nodes in the winter preparatory group. K O N S P E K T NOD in the educational field “Speech Development” in the preparatory group Topic: “Winter


GCD by educational field

"Speech development"

in the preparatory group

Theme: "Winter"

Educator: Shurygina O. E.

December 2016

Speech development. Topic: "Winter".

Target: Systematize and consolidate children's knowledge about winter.


-clarify, expand and activate the subject dictionary, verb dictionary and dictionary of signs on the topic “Winter”;

- develop memory, auditory and visual attention;

- teach children to coordinate nouns with adjectives;

- develop visual perception, develop the ability to compose sentences according to a diagram;

- teach children to write a short story about winter, using previously acquired knowledge and ideas; tell coherently, completely and expressively.

Equipment: subject pictures with images of winter; board; handouts – proposal diagrams; composition “Winter” by A. Vivaldi, composition “White Snowflakes” Children’s choir.

Progress of the lesson

I . Intellectual warm-up

The teacher stands with the children on the carpet. The teacher invites the children to quickly, correctly and completely answer the questions: What time of year is it now? Month? Day of the week? What happens before winter, and what happens after it? How many winter months are there? Name them.

Educator: Well done boys!

December January February

They pass in succession

With frost, with snow,

Happy Christmas star.

II . Main part of the lesson

    Subject message.

The children and the teacher stand in a circle.

Educator: Guys, you will find out what we are going to talk about if you guess the riddle:

It's getting cold.

The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?

Children's answer: In winter.

Educator: Absolutely right, guys! Today we will talk to you about the most mysterious time of the year - winter. Take your seats.

    Conducting verbal and logic games.

Game: “Pick a sign.”

Educator: And now guys, I invite you to play a game, I will name a noun, and you, answering the question “which” or “which”, will name adjectives for it. For example: What kind of winter? Frosty. Thanks to this, we will find out what winter is like:

Winter(which one?) - ...(cold, snowy).

Snow(which one?) - ...(wet, cold, fluffy).

Icicle(which one?) - ...(icy, cold).

Freezing(which one?) - ... (cold, strong).

Slide(which one?) -...(snowy, icy).

Ice path(which one?) - ...(icy, slippery).

Game: “Call it kindly.”

Ice -…(ice)

Freezing - …(frost)

Sled - …(sleigh)

Cold - …(chill)

Blizzard - …(blizzard)

Winter - …(winter)

Snow - …(snowball)

Sun - …(Sun)

3 . Differentiation of words and sentences.

Educator: Guys, what do you think can be made from words?

Children: Suggestions.

Educator: What can help us make a proposal?

Children: Sentence diagram. (The teacher hangs a sentence diagram on the board │. .)

Educator: Guys, what is the difference between a word and a sentence?

Children: There is one word, but a sentence can consist of several words.

Educator: Guys, here is a diagram of a sentence, how many words do you think are in this sentence?

Children: One word.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because there is only one rectangle drawn in the diagram.

Educator: Well done, guys! Now come up with a proposal for me based on this scheme.

Children: Winter. It's getting dark. Night. Fog.

Educator: Well done, guys. And now we will try to make proposals based on your schemes on the theme “Winter”.(The teacher posts a diagram of sentences on the board)

Drawing up proposals.

Physical education lesson “White snowflakes”. (Improvisation of movements to music)

White snowflakes are spinning in the morning,
Snowdrifts grew in the middle of the yard.
The street became brighter from the snowflakes,
Just need to dress warmly.

It's simply impossible not to love winter,
Soon we will sculpt a snow woman.
If we fall while walking in the snow,
Let's get up, dust ourselves off and go again.

They will bring a Christmas tree from the forest to the kindergarten,
Santa Claus will congratulate the children on the holiday.
Ten times a week we count the days
So that the bright lights come on soon

Reading the story “Winter” by the teacher.

Educator: Winter came. There is white snow all around. The trees are bare. The bear climbed into the den. Children are happy about winter. They ski, sled and snow scooter.

    Work on the content of the story “Winter”.

(The teacher asks the children questions, when the answer is received, the teacher puts the corresponding picture on the board - winter, snow, bare trees, animals in holes, happy children, children skiing and sledding).

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it?

Children: Winter came.

Educator: What lies around?

Children: There is white snow all around.

Educator: What kind of trees are there?

Children: The trees are bare.

Educator: Where did the bear go?

Children: The bear climbed into the den.

Educator: Who's happy about winter?

Children: Children are happy about winter.

Educator: What do children do in winter?

Children: Children ski, sled and snow scooter.

    Children writing a story about “Winter”

Educator: Guys, you are great, and now I suggest you make up a story about winter yourself, based on the picture plan on the board.

Several children compose a story about “Winter”.

III . Summing up the lesson

Educator: Guys, who can tell me what we did today?

Children: They guessed the riddle, played various word games, made up sentences using diagrams, listened to the story “Winter,” and made up a story about “Winter” based on the pictures.

Educator: Guys, you are great! And now I invite you to finish our winter lesson, push up your chairs and, to the music, fly away from your seats in all directions, and dance like snowflakes.

The teacher turns on the music, and the children fly away from their places in all directions and dance smoothly.

List of used literature:

1) I.V. Kozin “Lexical topics on the development of speech in preschool children (preparatory group). Educational and methodological manual" - M. Center for Teacher Education 2010

2) Zyryanova L.N., Luzhbina T.V. “Classes on speech development in children's educational institutions” - Rostov n/a. Ed. Phoenix 2012

3) Arbekova N.E. “Developing coherent speech in children 6-7 years old with OHP” - M. Ed. Gnome 2013

Additional material

    Finger gymnastics. (Children perform movements according to the text)


You and I made a snowball

Round, strong, very smooth,

And the snow is not sweet at all...

1 – Let’s throw it up,

2 – We’ll catch you

3 – Let’s drop,

And we'll break it!

    Game "Finish the sentence." The teacher invites the children to complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate word.

In winter, a blizzard (what does it do?) ...(sweeps).

Frost on the cheeks and nose (what does it do?) ...(pinches).

In winter, the water in the river (what does it do?) ...(freezes).

A hare puts on a fur coat for the winter (what does it do?) ...(changes).

Frost patterns on the windows (what is it doing?) ... (draws).

    Game "Let's make friends with words." The teacher asks the children to make sentences from three sets of words:

Snow fell, white. (White snow fell.)

It's winter, it's cold. (Cold winter has arrived.)

Cheeks, frost, behind, stinging. (Frost stings your cheeks.)

Samoilova Svetlana Viktorovna

GBOU secondary school No. 10 SP "Kindergarten "Berezka" Chapaevsk, Samara region

Summary of GCD for children of the preparatory group for school

“Winter - winter has come to visit us”

Integration of educational areas : “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.


Social and communicative development:

ü Encourage children to actively and kindly interact with the teacher in solving gaming and cognitive tasks.

ü Continue to accumulate experience in children’s friendly relations with each other.

ü Encourage children to analyze, draw conclusions, and correctly formulate their answer.

Speech development:

ü Encourage students to actively engage in word creation, reason, and express their point of view.

ü Enrich children's vocabulary.

ü Encourage to be sensitive to the artistic word while listening to the poem.

ü Encourage students to select characteristic features of the subject using questions.

Cognitive development:

ü Fix the names of winter natural phenomena, the names of the winter months.

ü Develop logical thinking, intelligence, and imagination while solving riddles.

ü Introduce I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”

Artistic and aesthetic development:

ü To evoke positive aesthetic feelings and emotions in children while listening to a musical composition. (P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. January”)

ü Continue to improve your applique skills. Carefully glue the parts and blot with a napkin.

ü Continue to develop skills in using scissors.

Physical development:

ü Develop dexterity, speed, and the desire to participate in joint outdoor games.

ü Strengthen the ability to combine words and actions in the game.

Material: pictures depicting winter natural phenomena, I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”; blue cardboard, white A4 sheet, a small piece of red and black colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth, templates.

1.Riddles about winter.

v The white blanket was not made by hand,

It was not woven or cut,

It fell from the sky to the ground. (snow)

v No boards, no axes

The bridge across the river is ready.

Bridge like blue glass:

Slippery, fun, light. (ice)

v Which artist applied this to the glass?

And leaves, and grass, and thickets of roses? (Freezing)

v Like in the sky from the north

A gray swan swam.

The well-fed swan swam,

Threw down, poured

To the fields, lakes

White fluff and feathers. (snowfall)

Well done! At what time of year do these natural phenomena occur? (winter)

2. Conversation about winter.

Every year winter comes to us. Winter helps us roll snowmen, at night the skating rink is paved for us, sprinkles the paths with snow to make sledding more fun.

Name the winter months. (December January February)

What month of winter is the riddle talking about:

  • Tell me, guys, the month in this riddle:

His days are shorter than all his days, and his nights are longer than night.

There was snow on the fields and meadows until spring.

As soon as our month comes, we are celebrating the New Year! (December)

In Rus', December was called jelly. December paves, December nails, December nails.

  • It stings the ears, stings the nose. Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it’s not water that falls, but ice.

Even the bird can’t fly: the frost freezes the bird.

The sun turned towards summer. What month is this, tell me? (January)

January was popularly called section because... he cut the winter into two halves.

  • Snow is falling in bags from the sky. There are snowdrifts around the house.

Either snowstorms or blizzards hit the village.

The frost is severe at night, and the sound of drops can be heard during the day.

The day has lengthened noticeably. Well, what month is this? (February)

February is called fierce because... There is a lot of snow, there are severe frosts, and there are often snowstorms.

What do you call a large pile of snow on the ground? (snowdrift)

What is the name of the phenomenon when there is snow on tree branches? (frost)

What is a strong wind with snow called? (blizzard, storm)

What is the name of the phenomenon when warming suddenly occurs in the middle of a cold winter? (thaw)

What are the pieces of ice under the roofs of houses called? (icicles)

Winter comes to us as a bright, long-awaited holiday. Every branch, every twig is decorated. The forest was shining, frozen in white peace, it seemed that life had stopped here, and all living things had disappeared somewhere.

3. Poem about winter. I. Surikov “Winter”

White fluffy snow swirls in the air,

And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.

The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful cap

And he fell asleep under her soundly, soundly...

The days have become short, the sun shines little.

Now the frosts have come and winter has arrived.

Did you like the poem? What time of year does it describe? Let's remember what signs there are in winter.

4. Didactic game “Pick a sign”

Winter (what?) ... (cold, white, snowy...)

Snow (what?) ... (loose, soft, white, crumbly...)

Frost (what?) ... (burning, strong, crackling...)

Wind (what?) ... (piercing, sharp, strong)

Trees (what?) ... (bare, sleepy...)

Days (what?) ... (short, cold, clear, cloudy)

What colors does winter use?

What do you think winter smells like?

5. Physical exercise “Snow”

Let's take some snow,

We make snowballs in our palms.

They left together and our hands warmed up.

And now it’s time to create - sculpt a snow woman. They rolled along, lump after lump,

They hoisted them up one after another.

Top, third, small room.

They shook the snow off their hands later.

6. Productive activity.

Application "Snowman".

Children trace patterns of a snowdrift, 3 parts of a snowman, 2 circles - hands, a carrot and a bucket. 6 pieces made of white paper, 2 pieces made of red paper. Eyes, a smile, a stick of black construction paper. Cut out and glue one by one onto blue cardboard.

Children perform work to a recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s work “The Seasons. January"

Yana Smerkalova
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Winter-Winter”

Communication lesson in preparatory group

Subject: Zimushka-winter

Target: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter; learn to select related (cognate) words and antonyms; teach children to answer questions; develop word formation and sentence writing skills; activate the dictionary on this topic;

Preliminary work: Conversation about winter, looking at paintings, reading poems and proverbs, observing the weather on walks.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. (signs of winter)

White fluffy snow swirls in the air,

And quietly falls to the ground

What time of year do you think we will talk about?

What time of year is it now?

Name the winter months. What is our winter like? (winter snowy, cold, frosty) What happens in winter? (snow is falling, the wind is howling, the river is freezing) What can you say about snow? (the snow is fluffy, light, soft. The snow covered the entire earth. What is the weather like in winter? (the weather in winter is windy, frosty, snow is blowing in winter, the wind is howling)

Well described winter, remembered all its signs.

2. Game "Say the word" (related words)

In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow, let's play with this word.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "Snow".

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground. (snow)

All the fluffs are sliding from the sky -

Silvery. (snowflakes)

In the village, on the meadow

Everything is going down. (snowball).

Here's some fun for the guys -

More and more. (snowfall)

Everyone is running to the races,

Everyone wants to play. (snowballs)

Like wearing a white down jacket

Dressed up. (snowman)

Nearby there is a snow figure -

It's a girl. (Snow Maiden)

Look at the snow? -

With a red breast. (bullfinches)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream,

Decorated the whole earth. (snow)

What words did you add?

What word do they all resemble?

Find similar words to words:

Winter - ( winter, winter, spend the winter, wintering, etc..);

Frost - (frosty, freeze, freeze, ice cream, freezer, freezing, etc.);

3 Game "I you he she!"

And in winter, guys, not only do they freeze and freeze, but they also get chilly, that is, they freeze. And to remember this word, we'll play a game "I you he she" make up phrases with the words chill in winter (I’m chilly in winter, you., he, she, we., you., they.)

4. Physical exercise. Who knows what to do outside in winter to avoid freezing? That's right, move! And now I suggest you get up and move.

Early in the morning we went to the park (walking in place, they made a snowman there (waving our arms,

And then they rolled down the mountain (wave-like movements with their arms,

We had fun and frolicked (jumping).

They threw a snowball at Tanya (voluntary movements, they threw a snowball at Vova,

They threw a snowball at Misha - it turned out to be a snowball!

It's cold to walk in winter (nod our head)- let’s run home quickly (let’s return to our places!

5. Game "Confusion"

Oh, guys, while we were warming up, all the words in my sentences got mixed up! What to do now? Maybe you can help me untangle them?

Children love winter fun - children love winter fun

Zina sledding in winter - Zina loves sledding in winter

Children wear winter clothes in winter - children wear winter clothes in winter.

Kuzya is making a snowman in the garden - Kuzya is making a snowman in the garden

A game "Vice versa"

We figured it out here, but here's more confused:

The days are hot in summer and winter. Right? In summer and winter the sky is bright. Right?

In summer and winter the days are long. Right? In spring and summer the ice on the river is thin. Right?

Snow and ice are soft. Right?

Well done, we put things in order, unraveled all the words, now we can continue further!

6. Work on improving diction and automation of sounds SZ

You know how to compose sentences and phrases, but does anyone know how to recite poems and tongue twisters? And about winter or snow you know? (repetition of tongue twisters "It's snowing, it's snowing" And "It was winter") well done, I know this tongue twister and offer it learn:





7. Summary. A game "Say kindly"

How smart you all are, you completed all the tasks!

Who can tell what we talked about today? What new word did you learn? Well done, but I have one more thing in store, the most lung: Tell me, when we want to please someone, how do we address him, what do we call him? That's right, kindly, and let's figure out how to appease winter

Snow….snow wind…. breeze Frost - frosty snowflake...snowflake Winter.... winter tree....herringbone hill-hill Sleigh-sleigh snowman-snowman Snow Maiden – Snow Maiden Star…. sun star... Sun

For the fact that you answered well today, were active and attentive in class, I give you all the sun to warm us in the cold!

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: Winter

Ibatullina Lyubov Semyonovna
Job title: teacher of GBS(K)OU "NS(K)OSH No. 88 1st type"
Description of work: This material can be used by preschool teachers to conduct conversations about winter, while walking and discussing natural phenomena. It will also be useful for primary and secondary teachers for preparing lessons on the surrounding world and winter-themed classes.
Target: acquaintance of children with the winter months, with the state of nature during the winter period.
- consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;
- generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic signs of winter.
- cultivate a feeling of love for native nature;
- to cultivate an interest in learning about nature.
- develop the ability to restore logical relationships and draw conclusions;
- develop memory and attention.

Guys, autumn is ending. The most majestic time of the year is approaching - winter. I'll tell you why this time of year is wonderful. And the Encyclopedia of Winter will help me with this. So:

Chapter first.

Winter months.
Winter begins in December, then comes January, and winter ends with the shortest month - February. December is the cap of the Russian winter. This is the month of long nights and the first severe frosts, the midnight of the year. January is the peak of winter, a month of bright stars and white paths. January is considered the coldest month, the heart of winter. February is the eve of spring. This is the month of the last frosts, prickly blizzards and snow drifts.
-Guys, listen to how these months used to be lovingly called in the old days. December is cold. This is true, because December is always cold and frosty. January is a cut, it is in the middle, as if cutting the winter into two parts. February was called lute. In some years, February can be very harsh and is not inferior in severity even to January.
People have long come up with proverbs and sayings about the winter months.
December wears a sheepskin coat to her toes and paints intricate patterns on the windows. The snow pleases your eyes and the frost stings your ears.
December ends the year, winter begins.
It's a cold month, chilling the earth all winter long.
December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a go.
January is the beginning of the new year, winter is the middle.
Father January - frosts.
January is a turn towards spring.
January is cracking - the ice on the river is turning blue.
February brings the winter to a close and shows the way to the new season.
There are frosts in January, snowstorms in February.
Blizzards and blizzards flew away in February.
February blows away the winter.

Guys, also listen to riddles about the winter months.

His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year. (December)

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water anymore, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me? (January)

The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has lengthened noticeably.
Well, what month is this? (February).
-Well done! Everything was guessed correctly. Nature in winter .
December has the shortest day and the longest night. Before the day has time to clear up, evening twilight has already set in. Cold and frost cover lakes and rivers with durable ice. Snowing. Slowly swirling, large star-shaped snowflakes fall. Everything dark disappears, covered with white. Hour by hour, nature is becoming whiter and whiter. Snow, like a white sheet, covered gardens, fields, forests, filled up holes, uneven ground, and made snowdrifts. It became noticeably more spacious, cleaner, more joyful.
In January, the days become longer and brighter. At first, the increase in the day is completely unnoticeable, very small, but even such an increase makes the day longer. The sun has turned to summer, and day by day it will rise higher and linger longer in the sky, and the sky itself will become blue. It’s fabulously beautiful in the forest in January! The snow sparkles like a diamond scattering in the sun. White-trunked birches stand as if in crystal decoration. On the green paws of the spruce trees hung a snow kukhta (kukhta is snow lying on the branches); century-old pines and other trees were covered in white lace. A haven for the nature lover skier. It is a joy for him to wander through the spacious winter thickets. There is silence in the forest, as if half asleep.
In February, the sun begins to warm up slightly during the day. Tree trunks are thawing on the south side. And icicles appear on the roofs; during the thaw, the snow is covered with an icy crust - crust. This is a month of contrasts. In February there is a struggle between winter and spring. Frosts in mid-February are the last effort of winter before the approaching spring. But nevertheless, day by day it becomes lighter, the sky is increasingly illuminated by the sun, bright, but still powerless to give warmth. The days are getting longer and clearer. Everything in the forest is also white. The snow glitters and sparkles in the sun. In the sparkles of frost, the silent forest slumbers, fluffy. The green velvet of needle-shaped needles shines brightly, and the openwork, curly birch trees shine white. There are lush, whimsical snowdrifts all around.

Guys, is nature beautiful in winter?
-Listen to proverbs and signs about winter.

Winter builds summer. After winter comes summer.
In winter, the sun smiles through tears.
Winter warmth - summer cold.
The forest is noisy in winter - expect a thaw.
Winter will ask what summer has in store.
If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
Well, now guess the riddles about winter - winter.
The tablecloth is white
I dressed the whole world. (Snow)

There is one such flower.
You can't weave it into a wreath.
Blow on it lightly:
There was a flower - and there is no flower. (Snowflake)

White carrot
It grew all winter.
The sun has warmed up
And he ate the carrot. (Icicle)

Old man at the gate
The heat was taken away.
Doesn't run on his own
And he doesn’t tell me to stand. (Freezing)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter) Animals and birds in winter.
Quiet in the forest. It seems that life in it has frozen until next spring. Only the squeaking of tits and the knocking of woodpeckers enliven the forest. A fox “mouses” in the fields, hunting for voles. Which make passages under the snow. But the life of animals and birds does not stop even for a minute in winter; it lives its measured, only somewhat quieted life.

Wild boars tear through the snow, looking for acorns and winter horsetail. At the edge of the birch forest, black grouse are visible as black balls. Blue-black braids with bright red eyebrows sit scattered on a frosty morning and feed, pecking earrings. They will feed like this and begin one after the other, folding their wings and huddling together. They fall like stones from the birches straight into a snowdrift and remain in the holes for the rest of the short winter day. In the evening they fly out to feed, and then again dive into the snowy feather bed to spend the night. In the snow they are calmer, warmer, the wind does not penetrate them and they are hidden from predators. Hazel grouse, wood grouse, gray and white partridges also spend the night in the snow. Capercaillie hermits feed on pine needles. Tufted hazel grouse also feed on birch buds.
Hares, martens, moose, wolves are “on their feet” all winter - these are the waking inhabitants of the forest.

In winter groves you can meet “forest orderlies” - tits, nuthatches, pikas and the smallest birds - yellow-headed kinglets. All of them clean trees from forest pests. They look for pupae, caterpillars and insect eggs. Hidden in secluded places for the winter. The spotted woodpecker also works tirelessly, also destroying forest pests.

And animals such as brown bear, badger, raccoon dog, chipmunk, gopher, marmot, hamster, hedgehog are in hibernation. They live off the fat accumulated in the fall and are in no hurry to emerge from hibernation.
Crows and jackdaws spend the long winter night in trees in parks and gardens. The lively roll call of birds can be heard for a long time at the overnight stop. Great tits, house sparrows, tree sparrows, and buntings hide at night under roofs, in attics near heating pipes. Behind the window frames. They do not use birdhouses: they are cold.

What a dangerous beast
Walks around in a red fur coat,
The snow is shoveling away
There are enough mice
Does he cover all his tracks behind himself? (Fox)

Will curl up into a ball,
It's impossible to take. (Hedgehog)

Jumps along the branches
Not a bird.
Not a fox. (Squirrel)

Quick jump
Warm fluff
Red eye. (Hare)

In summer he walks without a road
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear)

Abstract of the educational activity on the topic “Winter” within the educational areas of “cognitive development”, “speech development”, “artistic and aesthetic development” for children of the preparatory group for school.

Vera Nikolaevna Malyavina, teacher of the MKDOU Anninsky kindergarten No. 7 ORV.
Description: This lesson is intended for kindergarten teachers. During the lesson in a playful way, children consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, become familiar with the peculiarities of winter in their region, and their vocabulary is enriched. The lesson uses poems, riddles, and a new interesting fairy tale. Throughout the lesson, children resolve problematic situations.
Target: formation of children's ideas about winter.
Tasks: summarize and systematize children's knowledge about winter as a season. To establish the characteristic signs of winter phenomena in inanimate and living nature. Learn to make connections between how birds, animals and humans adapt to the characteristics of the season. Activate and enrich children's vocabulary. Develop logical thinking and memory. To promote a love of nature and a desire to help those in need.
Material and equipment: hedgehog toy; magnetic board; a set of cards with signs of winter; cards corresponding in color to the seasons; pictograms “fun”, “sad”; d.m. "Birds"; a few snowflakes.
Handout: white paper, glitter.
Progress of direct educational activities:
Organizing time:
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other!
Educator: children, I smile at you, and you smile at me and at each other, so that you are in a good mood all day long.
- What seasons do you know?
(Winter spring Summer Autumn).
-Each time corresponds to a specific color.
Assignment: put cards with “seasons” on a magnetic board, match them with cards of the appropriate color (white, green, multi-colored, yellow).
-How many seasons are there in nature? (four).
-But my hedgehog friend claims that there are three of them, why?
(The hedgehog hibernates in winter and does not know winter).
- Do you want to prove to the hedgehog that winter exists?
(The teacher leaves only a white card on the board).
Word game “Winter words”.
(For each correctly named word you can give a snowflake; the one with the most snowflakes wins).
-Name “winter words”. I say the word “winter,” and you?
(Snow, blizzard, blizzard, frost, ice, powder, sleet, snowman, Snow Maiden, sleigh, frost, snowmobile, drifting snow and others).
At the end of the game, the teacher sums up the results.
What can you say about winter in our area, what is it like?
(Soft, warm, cloudy, damp, rainy...)
What weather makes you feel good and happy?
(When there is sun, frost, snow, you can go sledding, build a snowman, play snowballs).
- What icon will we display? "Funny"
- What weather makes you sad?
(Cold, biting wind, damp, instead of snow it began to rain...)
(Show the “sad” icon).
- Winter can be different - harsh, cold, angry, or snow-white, magical.
Because of her beauty, people came up with affectionate, beautiful names for her:

Hello, Russian young lady,
The beauty is the soul,
Snow-white winch,
Hello, winter - winter!
P. Vyazemsky.
- Oh, what beautiful names do you know?
(Guest - winter, sorceress, winter - sorceress, needlewoman...)
- Our hedgehog asks how to know that winter has come?
Didactic game “Winter has come.”
(According to the “spider” pattern.) A set of cards about signs is used
winter and a white card - a winter model. The model is exhibited
in the middle, the rest of the cards are placed as work progresses).
- Why is it warm in summer and cold in winter?
(The sun does not heat well, gives little heat, they say: “The sun shines, but does not warm”).
-What is the land like in winter?
(Frozen, all covered with snow).
- And the rivers?
(Bound by ice).
- What do you see on this card?
(Birds departing).
- Why do birds fly to warmer regions for the winter?
(It's cold and hungry in winter).
- And we must help those birds that remain to winter to survive the cold winter. How?
(Make feeders, feed the birds).
- I’ll tell you a riddle, and you listen carefully and guess what birds flew to my feeder?
“I put a sprig of dry rowan and bread crumbs in the bird feeder.
A flock of small gray birds in brown frock coats flew in, they devoured the bread, but left the rowan tree untouched. Who was that?"
(Sparrows. The teacher puts out a card with a picture of a sparrow).
“...I see others sit on the feeder: their breast is red, the ends of their wings and their head are blue, and there is a white stripe on their wings. There are no rowan berries left in the feeder.” Who arrived?
“...birds with yellow breasts have arrived.”
- Who was that?
- Our cute hedgehog is interested in whether animals also go to warmer climes in winter?
(Animals adapt to winter: some hibernate, others prepare supplies for the winter, molt, change summer coats for winter ones).
- The hedgehog asks, do people also hibernate in winter?
(People dress warmly, heat their houses, play sports, strengthen themselves, take vitamins).
- Listen fairy tale "Snowflake".
“In a snowy forest, in an icy hut, lived the sorceress Winter. She had a beloved granddaughter, Snowflake. She loved to dance and spin in the air. The snowflake was very small, so when Grandma Winter went into the forest to scatter the snow, she tightly locked the doors. Snowflake was very bored when she was left alone at home.
One day she broke free through an open window. She flies, and the Wolf meets her: “Snowflake, Snowflake, I’ll eat you!” And Snowflake answers: “Don’t eat me, I’ll dance for you.” And, pushing off from the ground with her fluffy legs, she easily jumped up and began to merrily spin in the air.
She danced so easily and beautifully that the Wolf involuntarily looked at her.
He liked the snowflake's dance so much that he even opened his mouth with pleasure. The snowflake spun and spun and accidentally touched the Wolf's hot tongue. Instantly she turned into a drop of water and fell on the wolf's paw. Wolf
I was very upset and cried bitterly..."
- How do you think a droplet can turn into a snowflake again?
That's right, only frost can help her. Listen further.
“...Grandma Winter appeared in time, she raised the droplet high into the sky.
Frost touched her with his magic staff, and she again turned into a snowflake. So she had a birthday. And the Sun, congratulating her, shone with many colors. These colors sparkled on the Snowflake
multi-colored sparkles, and she flew away. And only the Wolf was sad, and he is still howling in the forest. Poor Wolf."
- Do you feel sorry for the Wolf? Let's give him a gift. Let's cut out snowflakes from paper, sprinkle them with glitter, and our familiar hedgehog will give them to the Wolf.
Productive activity "Snowflake"».
Summing up the lesson.