Definition of a small group. A small group is “any number of persons interacting with each other in the form of one direct meeting

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"Family as a small group." 1. Features of the family as a small group. 2. Psychology of family relationships. 3. Gender behavior. 4. Family education.

A family is a social community whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, a common way of life and mutual responsibility.

Features of a family as a small group A family is a union of people united by love, common interests, mutual assistance and mutual understanding of each other’s problems and joys



Psychology of family relationships “There is nothing simpler than a family, nothing more complex than a family.” Spectrum of family relationships husband - wife; parents - children; children - children; children - grandmother (grandfather); married family - parental family, etc.

Gender behavior Gender roles are normative prescriptions and expectations for “correct male or female behavior.” Fulfilling the appropriate gender role determines the gender behavior of the individual. Gender differences

Family upbringing Family upbringing is a conscious influence on the formation of children's personality, undertaken by older family members.

Assignment for the “Parents” group Make a portrait of an ideal child, that is, endow him with the traits that you think are the most important in children. Assignment for the “Youth” group Make a portrait of an ideal parent, that is, give him the traits that you think are the most important in a parent. Present your work on a poster.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The test work is aimed at testing knowledge on the topic “Family as a small group” in the 10th grade of the profile level. Contains two tasks (text in Unified State Exam format)...

Social studies, profile level

Lesson 88-89


D.Z: § 34, ?? (p.359),

assignments (p. 359-360)

© ed. A.I. Kolmakov

  • explain concepts and terms: “small group”, “reference group”, “interpersonal relationships”, group integration”, “sociometry”, “deindividuation”;
  • systematize social information, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problem tasks;
  • contribute development of civic position, responsible and tolerant behavior of students.

Universal learning activities

  • Know: distinctive features of a small group, describe and analyze types of small groups, identify features of interpersonal relationships in small groups
  • Be able to: carry out individual and group educational research on social issues, apply knowledge in the process of solving cognitive and problem tasks

  • small group;
  • conditional group;
  • reference group;
  • group norms;
  • sociometry;
  • deindividuation;
  • group integration;
  • friendly relations.

  • The groups are conditional.
  • Reference group.
  • Interpersonal relationships in groups.
  • Integration in groups

different levels of development.

Remember. What are the types of groups in which people and society unite? What role do social groups play in personality development? What are group norms?

When studying the structure of a small group, researchers identify functional responsibilities of group members in their joint activities, set of roles (a set of expected actions from a person who is assigned certain functional responsibilities) and set of norms , performing the functions of social control ( a set of instructions, requirements, wishes of socially approved behavior ).

Friendly relations characterized by deep emotional attachment of people to each other.

Group integration has a downside - the process deindividuation of the individual in the group, when the feeling of “We” becomes stronger than the feeling of “I”.

check yourself

  • Name the distinctive features of a small group. What is considered its main characteristic?
  • List three characteristics of a small group as a system.
  • Define conditional, real and laboratory groups.
  • What are small natural groups?
  • What are the names of the groups with the values, norms and attitudes of which an individual correlates his behavior? Describe them.
  • Describe the types of relationships in a small group.
  • What is the sociometric method of small group research?


  • What did you learn?
  • How?
  • What have you learned?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?

A.1. Does not belong to the conditional group

A) residents of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

b) people with higher education;

V) family;

G) individuals

A.2. A small group of people whose members are united by common activities and are in direct personal communication

A) small group;

b) large group;

V) reference group

A.3. Are the following statements about small groups true?

A. The primary group is identified with the minor

B. The small group is a social, open and dynamic system

A) Only A is true;

b) Only B is true;

V) both judgments are correct;

G) both judgments are wrong

A.4. What characterizes the reference group?

A) normative and comparative functions;

b) not significant for a person;

V) a group where a person has no standard of behavior

A.5. A group of people with higher education from one subject of the Russian Federation, but who do not know each other and have no relationship

A) conditional;

b) real;

V) natural;

G) laboratory

A.6. Ivanov joined a group of people, considers it only as a place of residence, and believes that it will not affect the value system. Which group did Ivanov join?

A) membership group;

b) conditional group;

V) real group;

G) large group

A.7. Are the following statements true?

A. The presence of the so-called “we feelings” in many social networks. Psychologists consider the main characteristic of a group.

B. Responsibility in a group is “dissipated” among all group members and it is easier to do something that you would not do alone.

A) Only A is true;

b) Only B is true;

V) both judgments are correct;

G) both judgments are wrong

A.8. Are the following statements true?

A. Natural primary groups include the family

B. In secondary groups there is direct contact between its members

A) Only A is true;

b) Only B is true;

V) both judgments are correct;

G) both judgments are wrong

A.9. From the characteristics below, select the one that belongs to the small group

A) large group composition;

b) psychological and behavioral community of its members;

V) an association of people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other;

G) are created to perform experimental tasks

A.10. Are the following statements true?

A. Sociometry - measures only the most significant communication situations for the group

B. Sociometry - measures all types of interpersonal relationships in a group

A) Only A is true;

b) Only B is true;

V) both judgments are correct;

G) both judgments are wrong

IN 1. All terms, except one, refer to the characteristics of the concept “formal group”:

organized, official, spontaneous, systematic.

AT 2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of “group”:

large, small, referential, real, environmental.

AT 3. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, relate to the concept of “group”:

referential, illusory, conditional, laboratory, formal

AT 4. Match

A. Greenpeace

B. Poetry circle.

IN. Classroom.

G. Animal Welfare International

1) small group;

2) large group

AT 5. Match

A. Family

B. People with higher education

IN. Class

G. A team of workers.

1) conditional groups;

2) real groups

Tasks S.

S.1. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of reference groups? Make two sentences , containing information about the reference group.

C.2. You have been tasked with preparing a detailed plan for the topic “Small Groups.” Make a plan , according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

S.3. You have been asked to make a statement. Write an essay.

“Everything about us is social, but this does not mean that all the properties of the psyche of an individual person are inherent in all other members of a given group.” L.S. Vygotsky.


  • Sorokina E.N. Lesson developments in social studies. Profile level: 10th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2008.
  • Baranov P.A. Social studies: a complete reference book for preparing for the Unified State Exam / P.A. Baranov, A.V. Vorontsov, S. V. Shevchenko; edited by P.A. Baranova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009.
  • Losevsky Alexey Mikhailovich, teacher of MBOU PSOSH No. 1 named after. G.V. Alisova;
  • Maksimova Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies, MAOU Secondary School. Opechensky Posad

“Small social group” - Small group - as a socio-psychological phenomenon. Leading positions. Group. Exercises for diagnostics. Outsider. Participants' positions. A small group consists of: a limited, small number of people. Group in dynamics. Create conditions. What you need to be able to see in a children's team. How many people make up a small group?

"Elites" - Social mobility. Partitioning into clusters. Elites and hypoelites. Change of elites. "Normal" mobility. Elites 28. Middle class. General idea. Elites and modernization. Elites are functional and normative. Publications. Duality of elite goals. Picture of a seven-tier social structure. Elite shifts. Specifics of the position of the IC detachments.

“Large group” - Types of masses. Uniting people. Contagion has integrative and expressive functions. Self-test questions. Power. Ridiculous rumors. “Mirroring” and “synchrony” techniques. Hearing concept. The framework of direct experience. Mass consciousness. Ordinary everyday attitudes. Hearing is desire. Signs of mass consciousness.

“Psychology of the group” - Political psychology. Types of small groups. Group of socio-psychological phenomena. Small group. National psychology. Small group structure. Psychological phenomena. Group. The concept of a group. Characteristics of group psychology. Professional pedagogy and psychology. Methods for studying group psychology.

“Student group” - Object-object interaction. Trends in teacher self-determination. Proposals for joining forces. Problems of group leadership. Development of subjectivity of student groups. Leadership skills that need to be developed. The problem of leadership and management in managing a student group. Subjects of management.

“Social communities” - Random crowd. Nominal groups. Secondary groups. A collection of people. Types of social groups. Aggregations. Group communities. Individual behavior in a crowd. Types of social communities. Active (expressive) crowd. Forms of contact communities. Imaginary communities. Social circles. Formal groups.

There are 8 presentations in total

1 slide

Small groups The presentation was made by the teacher of history and social studies of the municipal educational institution of the city of Kurgan “Secondary School No. 56” Kashina Irina Viktorovna

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Question 1 Scientists define the establishment and development of contacts between people in the process of joint activities as 1) freedom 2) communication 3) exchange 4) creativity

3 slide

Question 2 Which of the following concepts unites all the others? 1) interpersonal relations 2) official relations 3) informal relations 4) labor relations

4 slide

Question 3 Grandmother taught her granddaughter to cook pies with cabbage. What form of communication does this example illustrate? 1) exchange of opinions 2) exchange of information 3) transfer of experience 4) expression of experiences

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Question 4 Are the following judgments about communication true? A. Communication accompanies a person throughout his entire adult life B. Communication can evoke any human emotion. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

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Question 5 The human need for communication has caused the emergence of: collective work, the language of educational activities

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Question 6 Mechanisms of cognition and understanding by people of each other reflection causal attribution identification empathy attraction

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Question 7 Reflection is……. a mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by a communication partner, a mechanism for interpreting the actions and feelings of another person, the desire to find out the reasons for the subject’s behavior, a form of knowledge of another person, based on the formation of a stable positive feeling towards him

Slide 9

Question 8 A communication barrier is ... a psychological obstacle to the adequate transfer of information between communication partners; a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people; a process that includes the development of a unified interaction strategy, perception and understanding of another person

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Question 9 Three interrelated functions of communication identified in social psychology: imperative, perceptual, dialogical, communicative, interactive

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Question 10 “All girls are crybabies,” this statement demonstrates Attraction Identification Empathy Stereotyping

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Slide 13

The concept of a small group A small group is a small group of people whose members are united by common activities (goals and objectives) and are in direct personal communication. The life activity of the individual is carried out in a community of people. Small groups and teams are an example of communities of people of various levels and scales.

Slide 14

A small group is a small association of people from 2-3 to 20-30 people engaged in some common activity and in direct relationships with each other. A small group is an elementary unit of society. A person spends most of his life in it. Small groups can be different in size, in the nature and structure of relationships existing between their members, in individual composition, characteristics of values, norms and rules of relationships shared by participants, in interpersonal relationships, goals and content of activities. Examples of small groups that are most significant for a person are family, school class, work collective, associations of close people and friends.

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Characteristics of a small group Psychological community Based on the fact that people are aware of their belonging to a certain group - a group that has its own special interests, norms, values, goals. Behavioral community

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Communication and joint activities are considered as the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships in a group (likes, dislikes, indifference) and special group values ​​and norms of behavior. Group norms are certain rules that are developed or accepted by a group and to which the behavior of its members must obey.

Slide 17

Small group: Social system. Dynamic system. Open system. Possesses self-sufficiency.

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Types of groups Conditional (nominal) - groups that unite people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other. Real - truly existing associations of people connected with each other by certain relationships and aware of their belonging to it. Laboratory ones Created specifically by social psychologists for experimental tasks. Natural They arise during the development of society. Large Small Ethnic, Classes, Professional, Sports. teams, gender and age. yard companies of friends.

Slide 19

Natural groups Primary There are direct contacts between people. This group is identified with a small group. Family, group of friends, team. Secondary Groups, where there are no direct contacts between group members, and “intermediaries” are used for communication.

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Small groups Formal Created by a specific organization with specific tasks to achieve any specific goals. Informal voluntary communities that develop on the basis of common interests, friendships, and mutual sympathy.

  • Person in a group
  • Social groups: large and small
  • Status, role and position of a person in a group
  • Group norms, values, sanctions
  • Group egoism
  • Conformism and collectivism.
Person in a group
  • A person cannot live completely alone.
  • Social group - This bringing people together to meet the needs of individuals to carry out joint actions. People unite according to a variety of criteria: belonging to a nation (historical and cultural community of people united by language, common features of psychological makeup), profession, age group, citizenship, ideology, religion, and common interests.
A group can be defined as an association of people based on a certain characteristic.
  • Groups have certain norms(rules of behavior) and values, deviation from which is punishable by sanctions (from condemnation to boycott and exclusion from the group).
All groups of people can be divided into big(nations, classes) and small(family, group of friends). The difference between them is not only quantitative (according to various estimates, a small group includes 7-20 people), but also qualitative (a feature of a small group is the possibility of direct contacts between all representatives of the group).
  • All groups of people can be divided into big(nations, classes) and small(family, group of friends). The difference between them is not only quantitative (according to various estimates, a small group includes 7-20 people), but also qualitative (a feature of a small group is the possibility of direct contacts between all representatives of the group).
  • A small group is a small association of people whose members have a common goal and are in direct personal contact with each other.
  • Quantitative composition: from 2 to 40 people.
  • Small group characterized by: the presence of a common goal, joint activity, personal (direct) interaction of group members, a certain emotional background, duration of existence, voluntary nature, the presence of mutual expectations.
Small groups are:
  • Small groups are:
  • conditional (group members do not have constant contact with each other);
  • real (group members have constant contact with each other);
  • natural (folding on their own).
Natural groups are divided into:
  • Natural groups are divided into:
  • informal - groups that arise and exist on the basis of the personal interests of their members and operate outside of official organizations.
  • formal - groups that are created and exist only within officially recognized organizations;
All groups can be highly developed and underdeveloped.
  • The group exerts some pressure
  • per individual.
  • Based on the method of reaction to such pressure, possible behavior patterns:
  • conformism or opportunism (a person changes his behavior in order to outwardly meet the requirements of other people with internal disagreement),
  • suggestibility(the person accepts the line of behavior),
  • active consent(consciously defending the interests of the group),
  • nonconformism(disagreement with the majority, defending one’s own interests).
Groups can be primary and secondary.
  • Primary groups- each member of such a group sees other members as individuals and individuals (family, friendly company). Here a personality is usually formed, everyone finds an intimate environment, sympathies and opportunities to realize personal interests.
  • Secondary groups- social contacts in them are impersonal, one-sided in nature (master - team, coach - team). Members find an effective mechanism to achieve their own goals, but often at the cost of losing intimacy and warmth in the relationship.
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